
domain for sale

Linux hosting plan per year at very cheap rate and 100 percentage up time


Linux hosting plan per year at very cheap rate and 100 percentage up time
We offer Cheap Hosting plan on the planet . 5$ per year:

1.You will get Custom web hosting Control Panel.
2. You will get full 24/7 support and upgrade at any time
3. you may host any script that runs without any restrictions. ( No Gambling / Porn site )
4. You will get emails
5. you can change your domain name at any time
6. you will get FTP logins
7. your server is hosted in US/UK servers
8. 99% uptime and you can run back ups
9.you can upgrade at any time
10. Go unlimited space and bandwidth with upgrade any time

Amazing Facts:
  • No PHP code restrictions as you can try any script running without any blocks
  • No hidden control on any part of website traffic
  • Truly worth for small websites and you may upgrade to higher bandwidth and storage at any time
  • Individually support for any server problem
  • Free consultation on hosting on various platform

hosting plan:

Disk space 1 ~ 10 GB ( according your site grows starts with 2GB)
Data transfer 10 GB
Max email accounts (1 - 5)
Max FTP Accounts (1 - 5)
Max Databases (1 - 5)
Max daily unique visitors limit (10 - 10000)
MySQL Connection Hourly Limit (1000 - 25000)
Mailbox Max Size (1 - 50)
Max Sub Domains (1 - 5)
Max Parked Domains (1 - 5)
Max Add on domains (1 - 5)
Max Cron Jobs (1 - 5)

Main Script Features Mail Features Other Features
PHP 5.4 POP3 E-Mail Accounts Softaculous Installer
PHP Support In HTML Files E-mail Aliases Anti-Vitrus Protection
MYSQL 5.5 Mailing Lists FTP Account
Flash / XML Spam Filter File Manager

24/7 server monitoring UPS power back up Perl
$15 Order Via WhatsApp

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  Want to contact us then reach out

